Welcome To LessonStack!

Welcome to the LessonStack blog!

My name is Steve Varndell, AKA Rex Tangle, and over the last 14 years I’ve spent time as a teacher, a roller derby coach and a software engineer, and something I always needed but could never find was a really good lesson planning tool.

LessonStack is the tool I built to fill that gap, and I’m delighted to be able to share it with you.

At the heart of LessonStack is the idea that your planning as a coach or a teacher should be re-usable, easy to refine, and should work hard for you during the lesson.

Working in college, I tended to find that the layout of a traditional lesson plans wasn’t very helpful during class, and if anything it was a document that was really geared toward having an observer in your lesson.

On LessonStack it’s different. A LessonStack is not just a document of what you will do, it is interactive timeline of your lesson that allows you to check off your activities as you go.

A typical LessonPlan I would use to coach roller derby

A LessonStack is designed to present you with this easy to follow timeline on any device. So if you are coaching a sports team, you can keep it on your phone in your pocket, if you are teaching in classroom you can use it on your iPad or laptop.

A LessonStack is more than just a document of what you will do – think of it as an extra teaching assistant that will prompt you and help you keep track of where you are.

I’m a little biased, but I believe LessonStack really is something special.

If you’ve ever wrestled with lesson planning, and you think it’s tiome to work in a better way, head on over to https://lessonstack.net and try it out – it’s free!

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